The average young adult has from 10 to 30 moles, so benign moles are therefore perfectly normal. Moles are unlikely to develop into anything more serious.
You can have moles removed if:
- They are making you feel anxious
- They are causing a nuisance
- They are in a prominent place (perhaps making you feel a little self-conscious)
IPSA Medical offers fast access to doctors who specialise in skin. After a thorough examination (to rule out any more serious issues), you will be advised as to whether the mole can be removed; this depends on both its appearance and its size.
A map is made of your moles (this is to ensure that all of your moles are benign). If any features of your mole suggest that you may have either skin cancer or malignant melanoma, your doctor will remove it (for further examination).
Your IPSA Medical doctor will advise you on the most suitable option to remove your mole most effectively (to leave the minimum possible scarring). Moles can be removed during the consultation. You will receive thorough after-care advice.
Your doctor will then have the mole tested if he or she suspects that it might be malignant in nature.
To have your moles examined by an IPSA Medical doctor, simply contact us for a skin consultation.
Mole Removal
An excision biopsy, which only takes a couple of minutes under a local anesthetic, is carried out as a standard procedure to remove moles. The eye-shaped skin that is removed allows a straight scar to form when the area is then stitched closed. The scar size is relative to the mole size: if a 7-mm mole is excised, then you will probably have a 2-cm scar.
If your mole has been sent for testing and malignant melanoma is diagnosed, you are usually advised to undergo a wider skin excision (around the original biopsy area).
Always have your moles checked by a skin specialist if you experience:
- Soreness
- Itchiness
- Bleeding
- A change in shape
- A change in diameter
- A change in thickness
- An irregular outline
- A change in colour
Small moles (with less than a 7-mm diameter – equal to the base of a pencil) are assumed to carry a much lower risk, so size is a significant factor.
If you are concerned because a mole has changed its shape or size, then contact IPSA Medical for help. Alternatively, speak to your local health care provider.