When your clinician undertakes your Saudi Arabian visa medical, you can be assured of our experience in providing an efficient and trouble-free service. Your clinic not only has strong connections to the Saudi Embassy, but all our physicians are officially registered with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

For clients in need of an expedited visa medical service, your clinic has teamed with experienced visa medical agencies so as to facilitate the legalisation/processing of your application for your Saudi Arabian visa medical.

IPSA Medical will provide you with a complete expedited visa medical report, as required by the Saudi Embassy, in only 24 hours.

What tests will I need?

The medical examination involves both a physical examination and a full medical history being taken by your clinician.

There are various blood tests required for your Saudi Arabian visa:

  • Malarial Abs
  • HIV
  • Urinalysis
  • Syphilis/VDRL
  • Liver function tests
  • A full hepatitis B profile
  • Bilharzia Abs
  • Hepatitis C Abs
  • A pregnancy test for women

Additionally, you might also require both a chest X-ray and a TBQ test.

How long does it take for my results to be finalised?

If you do not opt for the expedited 24-hour visa medical service, your results will take up to 5 working days (or 7 working days if you need to undergo the TBQ test).

Highly competitive rates

  • A standard Saudi visa medical (for men): £360
  • A standard Saudi visa medical (for women): £375
  • A Saudi visa medical with a TBQ test: £410
  • A Saudi visa medical with a TBQ test and a chest X-ray: £500

Will there be any additional visa medical charges?

If you are aged over 40 (or when clinically indicated), you also need an electrocardiogram (an ECG), which is £90.
If you are aged over 50, then your prospective Saudi employer may require that you undergo a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, which is £90.
An HbA1c test (at £90) may be required if you have a history of diabetes.

When you come for your Saudi Arabian visa medical, you will need to bring your original passport (in order to confirm your identity) along with one passport-sized photo.

Call your IPSA Medical visa medical clinic today or book online for your same-day Saudi Arabian visa medical.

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