Healthcare is a long-term investment.

Visiting IPSA Medical clinic regularly and getting a regular health screening is necessary to:

  • Assess your risk factors for future medical issues
  • Screen you for any medical issues
  • Encourage you to minimise your risk factors through healthy lifestyle choices
  • Update any vaccinations
  • Get well versed with your IPSA Medical clinician in case you develop an illness requiring treatment/management

Why should I consider having a full health screening at my IPSA Medical Clinic?

Having regular health check-ups at your IPSA Medical Clinic (even when you feel healthy) can help you avoid future health problems. For example, the only way to determine whether you have high blood pressure or not is by having your blood pressure checked regularly. Both high cholesterol levels and high blood sugar levels may be asymptomatic (which means you have no symptoms) in the early stages.

What are IPSA Medical’s screening guidelines for women?

Below are some of the specific guidelines concerning when you should visit your IPSA clinic for screening.

IPSA Medical’s blood-pressure screening guidelines
You should have your blood pressure checked at your IPSA Medical clinic every two years unless your systolic reading (the top number in the blood pressure reading) is between 120 and 139 or your diastolic reading (the bottom number) is between 80 and 89 mmHg (or if it is higher than 89), which means you will need to have your blood pressure checked annually.
If your systolic reading is over 140, and/or your diastolic reading is greater than 90, you should schedule an immediate appointment with IPSA Medical clinic.
Your need to have regular blood pressure screening if you have kidney problems, diabetes, heart disease, or some other medical conditions. Your IPSA Medical physician will explain this to you during your full private health screening.

IPSA Medical’s cholesterol screening and heart disease guidelines
As a preventative measure, IPSA Medical suggests that women presenting risk factors for heart disease (such as those with diabetes) should be regularly screened starting at the age of 20.
You will need to be checked more frequently if you have kidney problems, diabetes, heart disease, or some other medical conditions.

IPSA Medical’s diabetes screening guidelines
Your IPSA Medical physician will test your blood sugar level (to determine your diabetes status) if your blood pressure is found to be above 135/80 mmHg, if your BMI (body mass index) is over 25, or if you present with other diabetes risk factors. Our Asian American clients are screened if their BMI is over 23.

IPSA Medical’s immunisation guidelines
IPSA Medical recommends having a yearly flu shot.
Your IPSA Medical doctor may also recommend other immunisations when you are at high risk for certain medical issues, such as Pneumonia.
If you are between 18 and 26 years old and have not had an HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination (you will need all three injections) or have not completed the full HPV vaccine series, then your IPSA Medical physician will discuss this with you.

What is involved in my IPSA Medical clinic’s full women’s health screen?

Your IPSA Medical Clinic recommends annual blood pressure checkups and that your height, weight, and BMI are checked during every health screening. Additionally, the following testing procedures are undertaken during your full health screen, when appropriate.

Pelvic examination and pap smears
IPSA Medical recommends cervical cancer screening from the age of 21 onwards. At your private IPSA Medical Clinic, smear test can be done annually to ensure abnormalities are detected at an early stage. If you are sexually active, IPSA Medical suggests gonorrhoea and chlamydia screening up to the age of 25 and for women over 25, if you are determined to be at high risk. Your IPSA Medical practitioner will explain how to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) during your health screen.

Lifestyle screening
Your IPSA Medical physician will discuss your lifestyle (alcohol use, tobacco use, diet, exercise) and any related issues you may have during your full health screening.

Breast screening
Your IPSA Medical full health screen also involves discussing breast self-examinations with you and, depending on your age/risk factors, having a mammogram. As the efficacy of breast self-exams (in terms of saving lives) is under debate, your IPSA Medical physician will discuss the pros and cons with you during your full health screening. IPSA Medical does not recommend mammograms for women under 40, but if you have a family history of breast cancer, or if you present with other breast cancer risk factors, then your IPSA Medical clinician may recommend an MRI scan, an ultrasound or a mammogram.
Your IPSA medical doctor may also perform a clinical breast exam if you are between 20 and 40 years old. If you do notice any changes in your breasts, then always contact your IPSA Medical clinic to have those changes properly investigated.

Colon cancer screening
Talk to your IPSA Medical physician about colon cancer screening if you have had IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) or polyps, or if you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps.

Other examinations involved in your full women’s health screening

Your full health screening at your IPSA Medical clinic involves head-to-toe preventative examinations to help to catch the early signs of degenerative illness, any risk factors (e.g. high cholesterol) and to review your health and lifestyle requirements.
Rather than merely offering a general health screen, IPSA Medical tailors your health screen to your requirements and to match your personal clinical indicators.
Every full health screen includes:

  • A lifestyle assessment (diet, exercise, alcohol, tobacco)
  • A general physical examination (height, weight, BMI calculation)
  • An examination of your cardiovascular system (heart sounds, blood pressure)
  • An examination of your respiratory system (inspiration, expiration)
  • An examination of your musculoskeletal system (tenderness, range of movement, restriction)
  • An examination of your neurological system (reflexes, power, sensation)
  • A gynaecological/breast examination, if indicated
  • A urinalysis (eight elements)

Your IPSA Medical physician may recommend some or all of the following blood tests, depending on her findings during your health screening visit:

  • Kidney and liver function screens
  • Haematology (red blood cells, platelets, full blood count, white blood cells/ESR)
  • Calcium level
  • Serum iron level
  • Glucose level
  • Lipid profiling (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides)
  • Vitamin D level
  • Thyroid function screen

Your full women’s health screening may also include some general or tailored blood tests to investigate any of the symptoms that have been noted or brought up during your IPSA Medical full health screening consultation, as these tests are used to determine any issues, and can often pick up those issues months before you would notice any symptoms. These blood tests can also be used to monitor how well your body and your organs are currently functioning.
If, during your IPSA Medical full women’s health screen, the IPSA Medical physician determines that an ECG is suggested, then this can be carried out during your visit. If any further issues arise that cause concern, your IPSA Medical clinician will recommend and organise immediate specialist referrals or imaging. IPSA Medical’s full health screening ensures that you are thoroughly examined and that you have an optimum health level to lead a happy life.

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