Human papilloma virus, known as the HPV virus, is very common. HPV affects both the skin and the moist membranes lining certain parts of the body (the anus, vagina, vuvla, cervix and the mouth and throat).

HPV is transmitted during contact with an HPV-infected person:

  • During sexual intercourse
  • During other types of sexual behaviour (such as oral sex/open-mouth kissing)
  • Via the skin

Most people have the HPV virus at some point in their lives. HPV usually causes no problems. It simply “goes away” with no treatment.

IPSA Medical’s HPV Treatment

At the IPSA Medical clinic, our female doctor (with a special interest/background in gynaecological medicine/family planning) will carry out your consultation.

IPSA Medical clinics offer immediate, same-day HPV appointments at a time to fit in with your schedule.

IPSA Medical consultations:

  • Always take place in a clean and quiet setting
  • Are always confidential

Your IPSA Medical doctor will provide a full sexually transmitted infection (STI) consultation, where he/she will:

  • Assess your individual STI risk.
  • Take swabs and/or urine tests, if required.
  • Discuss the possible causes for your diagnosis.
  • Recommend further testing (to pinpoint his/her diagnosis).
  • Start you (and your partner) on treatment (if suspicions of an STI are high). This will be done immediately – before your results come back.
  • Offer you an HPV vaccine, if appropriate.
  • Take an immediate smear test, if required.
  • Discuss all results with you personally.
  • Discuss the long-term HPV effects and give future recommendations.
  • Be available by phone after your consultation to answer queries/questions you may have.

High-Risk HPVs

Some HPV forms increase your risk of developing certain cancers (including cervical cancer). These cancers happen when the HPV virus causes changes to the cells in your mouth/throat lining or in your cervix. These are called the high-risk HPVs.

  • Have regular cervical screens, as this detects cervical cell abnormalities prior to them becoming cancerous.
  • Use a condom. This lowers HPV infection risk (however, this may not protect you completely from HPV).
  • There are vaccines to prevent the HPV types that cause cervical cancer. (Cervarix, for example, now has a UK licence, and will help prevent future cases of cervical cancer.)

Book your same-day appointment for your HPV screening by:

  • Phoning IPSA Medical
  • Going online to make the booking

IPSA Medical’s doctors are all experienced and professional.

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Sameday (Walk-in) GP

It can often be quite difficult to book an appointment with your NHS GP at a time that suits you. Your symptoms might have already faded, or you might have recovered by the time of your NHS GP appoin

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