The IPSA medical vitamin D blood test measures your current vitamin D level. Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is known as the ‘sunshine’ vitamin as natural vitamin D is produced from sunlight exposure.
At your IPSA Medical clinic, your vitamin D test checks if your vitamin D level is lower than it should be, as it is vital for maintaining healthy teeth and bones through controlling phosphate and calcium levels in your body.
Adequate vitamin D levels are important for children under five, pregnant women and breast-fed babies and infants.
Vitamin D deficiency is common and some individuals are particularly at risk:

  • Those over 65
  • Those suffering from kidney, liver or gut issues
  • Black or Asian individuals
  • Those with bone-metabolism issues

Why should I have a vitamin D blood test at my IPSA Medical clinic?

The vitamin D test at your IPSA Medical clinic is suggested when you want to establish your current vitamin D level to determine if you are vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D testing may also be especially useful for the over-65s, pregnant women, children under 5, for those with black or Asian skin types, and for those with gut, liver or kidney disease.

What are the vitamin D deficiency symptoms?

The following symptoms might be indicative of vitamin D deficiency:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Restless sleep
  • Weakness and cramps
  • Lack of concentration
  • Chronic pain
  • Weight gain
  • Joint pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Bladder problems
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Headaches

Depending on the results of your IPSA Medical vitamin D blood test, your IPSA Medical doctor will prescribe an appropriate strength vitamin D treatment to restore normal vitamin D levels. Your IPSA Medical clinician will also recommend retesting at an appropriate interval post-vitamin D treatment.
If you suspect you may be vitamin D deficient or if just want to find out what your vitamin D level is, then book your same-day IPSA Medical clinic vitamin D test online or phone your nearest IPSA Medical clinic.

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