Many kinds of bacterial infections can occur, and these might (or might not) be sexually transmitted. Healthy vaginas already have bacteria in them but changes in your vagina can lead to vaginal infections. Most Vaginal diseases can be treated quickly and easily with antibiotics.

The common organisms that can cause vaginal infections include:

  • Group B streptococcus
  • Gardnerella
  • Yeast infections
  • Trichomonas

Your symptoms will differ depending on which infection you have but the most common symptoms of bacterial infections are:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Itching
  • Soreness
  • Offensive/ discolored discharge
  • Spotting (after sex)
  • Pain (during sex)

There are several causes of vaginal infections including:

  • Specific hygiene products
  •  Laundry detergents
  • Contraceptive foams and jellies
  •  Synthetic or tight underwear
  •  Poor Hygiene

How am I diagnosed?

One of our doctors may be able to diagnose you by asking you about your symptoms or you’ll have to be examined. A simple swab (of the discharge) can determine the type of infection present; this is then easily treated (with antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals) for you and your sexual partner.
Bacterial infections are non-life-threatening, yet can all lead to chronic pain/discharge problems if left untreated.

In some cases, they can have further implications for women who are about to deliver or in pregnant women.
If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms (listed above) or if want a full STI health screen, visit your IPSA Medical clinic. You can discuss your symptoms more with your doctor during your consultation.

If during the examination, your IPSA Medical doctor determines that a bacterial infection might be present, you will be given an antibiotic course (whilst waiting for your results). All of your swab results will be explained (in person). Your IPSA doctor will also run through the general prevention measures to reduce your chances of future infections

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It can often be quite difficult to book an appointment with your NHS GP at a time that suits you. Your symptoms might have already faded, or you might have recovered by the time of your NHS GP appoin

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