What is a fertility test?
A fertility test seeks to give you an understanding of your fertility status and your ability to conceive. At your IPSA Medical clinic, your fertility consultation will include an in-depth review of your gynecological history alongside both you and your partner’s sexual history.
The aim of your fertility consultation is to rule out medical issues that may be impacting negatively on your fertility and/or preventing conception.
It’s advised that both partners visit your doctor, as fertility problems affect both men and women. Various factors can affect your ability to conceive including your lifestyle, medications you may take and your weight. This is why it’s vital that we look at what might be affecting you.
As part of your investigations during your consultation, your doctor will recommend having a full blood count (an FBC) undertaken, a hormonal blood screen and perhaps, after running through your sexual history, a sexually transmitted infection screening. If further investigations are required, then one of our doctors may recommend and then refer you for an ultrasound scan. Based on the results of these tests, a specialist can then organise any specialist referrals, if required.
How is fertility examined?
These tests differ between men and women as the reasons for infertility vary. These tests may be taken at home but we advise speaking with one of our doctors to get a full picture of your fertility.
A woman’s fertility exam includes a blood test, consultation with a fertility specialist and a pelvic ultrasound. The test takes around 20-30 minutes and can be taken at any time during your menstrual cycle. The blood test will measure a specific hormone known as Anti-Mullerian Hormone which will give you an idea about your ovarian reserve. The pelvic ultrasound scan is an internal scan of the ovaries and the womb. Additionally, the pelvic examination may look for chlamydia and gonorrhoea or any other genital infections that may add to fertility problems. If you’ve seen a doctor about your fertility issues previously, it may be advised for you to bring previous fertility related records, X-rays, and sonograms with you.
For men, infertility is usually associated with sperm abnormalities which means it’s vital to analyse the semen. You will be asked to provide a semen sample, this way the analysis can take place soon after production. As well as this, your doctor may look at your testicles to look out for any lumps or deformities. Along with a look at your penis to look at its shape, struct, and any abnormalities. This appointment should last no longer than 30 minutes.
For more information about fertility or fertility exams please call us today or book an appointment.