Blood Tests and Prices

Blood TestDurationClick for Latest Price
17 Hydroxyprogesterone - (17OH)5 Days£200
ACTH (Adreno Corticotrophic Hormone) - (ACTH)1 day£200
Acute Viral Hepatitis Screen - (AHSC)4 Hours£295
Adenovirus Antibodies (CFT) IgG - (ADAB)2 Days£120
Albumin - (ALB)4 Hours£90
Alcohol (Medical) - (ALCO)4 Hours£150
Alcohol (Urine) - (UALC)4 Hours£120
Alcohol Profile - (AP)3 Days£190
Alcohol Profile 2 - (ALCP)3 Days£260
Aldosterone - (ALDN)5 Days£190
Alkaline Phosphatase - (ALP)4 Hours£90
Allergy – Individual Allergens - (ALLE)2 Days£90
Allergy Profile (Mediterranean) - (ALMD)2 Days£350
Allergy Profile (Middle East) - (ALME)2 Days£350
Allergy Profile (UK) - (ALUK )2 Days£350
Allergy Profile 01 (Food & Inhalants) - (1A)2 Days£620
Allergy Profile 02 (Inhalants) - (2A)2 Days£500
Allergy Profile 03 (Food) - (3A)2 Days£400
Allergy Profile 04 (Nuts & Seeds) - (4A)2 Days£600
Allergy Profile 05 (Children’s Panel) - (5A)2 Days£450
Allergy Profile 06 (Shellfish) - (6A)2 Days£400
Allergy Profile 07 (Finfish) - (7A)2 Days£400
Allergy Profile 08 (Cereal – singles) - (8A)2 Days£200
Allergy Profile 09 (Antibiotics) - (9A)2 Days£350
Allergy Profile 10 (Insects) - (10A)2 Days£350
Allergy Profile 11 (Shellfish/Finfish) - (11A)2 Days£360
Allergy Profile 12 (Milk & Milk Proteins) - (12A)2 Days£360
Allergy Profile 13 (Stone fruit/Rosaceae) - (13A)2 Days£360
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (Serum) - (A1AT)1 day£150
Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (Stool) - (A1AF)10 Days£150
Alpha Feto Protein - (AFP)4 Hours£90
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) - (ALT)4 Hours£90
Aluminium - (ALUM)7 Days£90
Amenorrhoea Profile - (AMEN)4 Hours£250
Antibiotic Level (State dose) - (ANTI)4 Hours£220
Amitriptyline - (AMTR)5 Days£150
Amoebic (E. histolytica) Antigen - (AMAG)2 Days£90
Amylase - (AMY)4 Hours£90
Anaemia Profile - (ANAE)2 Days£190
ANCA (Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Abs) - (ANCA)2 Days£190
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme - (ACE)4 Hours£130
Antenatal Profile - (ANTE)3 Days£550
Anti CCP Antibodies (RF) - (CCP)2 Days£90
Antimullerian Hormone (Elecsys/Roche) - (AMH)4 Hours£220
Antinuclear Antibodies (titre & pattern) - (ANAB)2 Days£90
Antithrombin Ill - (A111)3 Days£120
Apple Components - (ZZ36)3 Days£190
APTT/KCCT - (KCCT)4 Hours£120
Arsenic (Blood) - (ARS)5 Days£120
Arsenic (Urine) - (ARSE )5 Days£120
Aspergillus Precipitins - (ASPP)5 Days£190
AST (SGOT) - (AST)4 Hours£90
Atypical Pneumonia Screen - (APS)2 Days£190
Autoantibody Profile I - (AUTO)2 Days£250
Beta HCG (Oncology) - (HCGQ)4 Hours£90
Beta HCG (Quantitative) - (QHCG)4 Hours£120
Bilharzia (Schistosome) Antibody Screen - (BILH)2 Days£190
Bilharzia (Urine) - (USCH)8 Hours£150
Bilirubin (Direct/Conjugated) - (DBIL)4 Hours£90
Bilirubin (Total/Indirect/Conjugated) - (BILI)4 Hours£90
Biochemistry & Haematology Postal Profile - (DL5)4 Hours£190
Birch Components - (ZZ3)3 Days£250
Blood Culture - (BCUL )5 Days +£190
Blood Film Examination - (FILM)4 Hours£90
Blood Group † - (ABO)2 Days£90
BNP (NT-pro BNP) - (BNP)4 Hours£150
Bone Screen - (BONE)4 Hours£190
Bone Screen (Bloods only) - (BON2)4 Hours£190
Borrelia Antibodies (Lyme Disease) IgM - (BORM)2 Days£150
Borrelia Antibodies Lyme Disease IgG IgM - (BORR)2 Days£190
Brazil Components - (ZZ4)3 Days£150
Brucella Confirmation - (BRUC)2-3 Weeks£190
C Reactive Protein - (CRP)4 Hours£90
C Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) - (HCRP)4 Hours£90
CA 125 - (C125)4 Hours£120
CA 15-3 - (C153)4 Hours£120
CA 19-9 - (C199)4 Hours£120
Calcium - (CA)4 Hours£90
Carbamazepine (Tegretol) - (CARB)4 Hours£90
Carcino Embryonic Antigen - (CEA)4 Hours£120
Cardiac Enzymes (not chest pain) - (CENZ)4 Hours£90
Cardiolipin Antibodies (IgG+IgM) - (ACAB)2 Days£120
Cashew Components - (ZZ35)3 Days£150
Cat Components - (ZZ5)3 Days£190
CCP Antibodies (RF) - (CCP)2 Days£90
CD3/CD4/CD8 - (LYSS)1 day£400
Celery Components - (ZZ6)3 Days£150
Chest Pain Profile - (CPP)STAT£190
Chlamydia (PCR swab) - (SPCR )2 Days£120
Chlamydia (Thin Prep) - (TPCR)5 Days£120
Chlamydia (Urine) - (CPCR)2 Days£120
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea (PCR Swab) - (SCG)2 Days£120
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea (Urine) - (CCG)2 Days£120
Chloride - (CL)4 Hours£90
Cholesterol - (CHO)4 Hours£90
Chromium (Blood) - (CHRO)5 Days£90
Chromium (Urine) - (URCR)5 Days£150
CK (MB Fraction) - (CKMB)4 Hours£90
Clostridium Difficile Toxin - (CLOS)2 Days£150
Coagulation Profile 1 - (CLPF)4 Hours£190
Coagulation Profile 2 - (CLOT)4 Hours£190
Coeliac/Gluten Sensitivity Profile - (GSA)2 Days£190
Coombs (Direct Antiglobulin Test) - (COOM)2 Days£120
Copper (Serum) - (COPP)5 Days£90
Copper (Urine) - (URCU)5 Days£150
Cortisol - (CORT)4 Hours£90
Cow’s Milk Components - (ZZ7)3 Days£250
Creatine Kinase (CK, CPK) - (CKNA)4 Hours£90
Creatinine - (CREA)4 Hours£90
Creatinine Clearance - (CRCL)4 Hours£90
Cytomegalovirus (IgG/IgM) Antibodies - (CMV)4 Hours£90
Cytomegalovirus IgM - (CMVM)4 Hours£90
D-Dimers - (DDIT)1 day£90
Diabetic Profile 1 - (DIAB)8 Hours£190
Diabetic Profile 2 - (DIA2)2 Days£190
Digoxin - (DIGO)4 Hours£90
Dihydrotestosterone - (DHT)7 Days£190
DL1 Biochemistry Profile - (DL1)4 Hours£190
DL10 Cardiovascular Risk Profile 1 - (DL10)3 Days£300
DL12 7 STI Profile by PCR - (DL12)2 Days£250
DL1L Biochemistry Profile - (DL1L)4 Hours£190
DL2 (24p) & Haematology Profile - (DL2)4 Hours£190
DL2L (24p) & Haematology Profile - (DL2L)4 Hours£190
DL3 Haematology Profile - (DL3)4 Hours£190
DL4 (16p) & Haematology Profile - (DL4)4 Hours£190
DL4L (16p) & Haematology Profile - (DL4L)4 Hours£190
DL6 General Well Person Profile - (DL6)4 Hours£220
DL6L General Well Person Profile - (DL6L)4 Hours£220
DL7 Well Man Profile - (DL7)4 Hours£250
DL8 Well Woman Profile - (DL8)2 Days£250
DL8L Well Woman Profile - (DL8L)2 Days£250
DL9F Senior Female Profile 60+ - (DL9F)2 Days£350
DL9M Senior Male Profile 60+ - (DL9M)2 Days£350
Dog Components - (ZZ8)3 Days£190
Down Syndrome Risk Bloods only - (HCGF/PAPA)4 Hours£250
Drugs of Abuse from Blood - (DOAP)5 Days£220
Drugs of Abuse Profile - (DOA)2 Days£190
Drugs of Abuse Profile - (DOA3)2 Days£190
Eczema Provoking Profile - (ALEC )2 Days£360
Egg Components - (ZZ9)3 Days£250
Electrolytes - (ELEC)4 Hours£90
Endomysial Antibodies (IgA) - (AEAB)2 Days£120
Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies IgG/IgM - (EBVA)2 Days£190
Erectile Dysfunction Profile - (IMPO)3 Days£350
Erythropoietin - (ERY)4 Days£90
ESR - (ESR)4 Hours£90
Faecal Occult Blood (immunochemical/FIT) - (FOB)1 day£190
Fast Chlamydia Swab - (FGN)4 Hours£120
Fast CT/NG Throat Swab - (FTCG)4 Hours£120
Fast Gonorrhoea Swab - (FSGN)4 Hours£120
Fast Gonorrhoea Urine - (FGN)4 Hours£120
Female Hormone Profile - (FIP)4 Hours£190
Ferritin - (FERR)4 Hours£90
First Trimester Antenatal Screen - (HCGF/PAPA)4 Hours£250
Fish Components - (ZZ10)3 Days£190
Folate (Serum) - (FOLA)1 day£90
Free T3 - (FT3)4 Hours£90
Free T4 - (FT4)4 Hours£90
FSH - (FSH)4 Hours£90
Full Blood Count - (FBC)4 Hours£90
G6PD - (G6PD)5 Days£150
Gardnerella vaginalis by PCR - (GVPC)5 Days£120
Giardia Antigen (Fresh Stool) - (GIAG)2 Days£190
Gliadin Antibodies (IgA + IgG) - (AGAB)2 Days£120
Globulin - (GLOB)4 Hours£90
Glucose - (RBG)4 Hours£90
Glucose Tolerance (2 Hours) - (GTTS)4 Hours£250
Glycosylated HB - (GHB)6 Hours£90
Gonorrhoea (Culture) - (GONN)2-3 Days£120
Gonorrhoea (Thin Prep) - (TGON)5 Days£120
Gonorrhoea (Urine) - (CGON)2 Days£120
Group B Strep - (GBS)3 Days£120
Growth Hormone (Fasting) - (GH)4 Hours£90
H. pylori Antibodies (IgG) - (HBPA)2 Days£160
H. pylori Antigen (Stool) - (HBAG)3 Days£190
H1N1 (Swine Flu) - (H1N1)1 day£150
Haematology Profile - (PP3)4 Hours£90
Haemoglobin - (HB)4 Hours£90
Hair Mineral Analysis - (HMA)10 Days£250
Hazelnut Components - (ZZ11)3 Days£250
HbA1c - (GHB)6 Hours£90
HDL Cholesterol - (HDL)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis (Acute) Screen - (AHSC)4 Hours£295
Hepatitis A (IgM) - (HAVM )4 Hours£90
Hepatitis A Immunity (IgG) - (HAIM)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis A Profile - (HEPA)4 Hours£120
Hepatitis A, B & C Profile - (ABC)4 Hours£350
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – IgM - (HBCM)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis B Core Antibody – Total - (HBC)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis B Immunity - (HBIM)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis B sAg - (AUAG)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis C Antigen (Early detection) - (HCAG)4 Hours£90
Hepatitis E IgG/IgM - (HBE)5 Days£190
Herpes I/II Antibody Profile (IgG) - (HERP)2 Days£150
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR - (HERD)5 Days£150
Herpes Simplex I/II by PCR (Swab) - (HERS)5 Days£160
Herpes Simplex I/II IgM - (HERM)2 Days£150
HIV 1 & 2/p24Ag - (HDUO)4 Hours£90
HIV Screening: HIV1&2 Abs/p24 Ag - (HDUO )4 Hours£90
Homocysteine (Quantitative) - (HOMO)1 day£120
House Dust Mite Components - (ZZ12)3 Days£190
HPV (HR DNA type 16, 18 + others) - (HPV)2 Days£190
HPV (individual low & high risk DNA subs) - (HP20)5 Days£190
HPV DNA type 16,18+all High Risk DNA subs - (HPV )2 Days£190
HRT Profile 1 - (HRT)4 Hours£250
IgE (Total) - (IGE)1 day£90
Immunoglobulin A - (IGA)4 Hours£90
Immunoglobulin G - (IGG)4 Hours£90
Immunoglobulin M - (IGM)4 Hours£90
Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA) - (IMM)4 Hours£190
Impotence Profile - (IMPO)3 Days£350
Influenza Screen - (INFL)2 Days£90
INR - (PTIM)4 Hours£90
Insect/Worm/Ova/Cysts - (FLEA)5 Days£190
Insulin - (INSU)4 Hours£90
Insulin Antibodies - (INAB)5 Days£120
Insulin Resistance (Fasting) - (FIRI)4 Hours£90
Iron - (FE)4 Hours£90
Iron Binding Capacity - (TIBC)4 Hours£90
Kiwi Components - (ZZ32)3 Days£150
Lactate (Plasma) - (LACT)1 day£90
Lactose Tolerance Test - (LTT)8 Hours£250
Lamotrigine - (LAMO)5 Days£190
Latex Components - (ZZ13)3 Days£400
Lead - (URPB)5 Days£150
Lead (Blood) - (LEAD)5 Days£90
Lead Profile (Hb, ZPP, Lead) - (LEAZ)3-5 Days£190
Legionella Antibodies - (LEGO)2 Days£120
Leishmania Antibodies - (LEIS)2 Days£120
Leishmania Blood Film - (LEIF)8 Hours£120
Levetiracetam (Keppra) - (LEVE)3 Days£190
Lipase - (LIPA)4 Hours£90
Lipid Profile - (LIPP)4 Hours£90
Lipoprotein (a) - (LPOA)4 Hours£90
Lithium (take 12 Hours after dose) - (LITH)4 Hours£90
Liver Function Tests - (LFT)4 Hours£90
Lorazepam - (LORA)10 Days£120
Lupus Anticoagulant & Anticardiolipin Abs - (LUPA)2 Days£190
Luteinising Hormone (LH) - (LH)4 Hours£90
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgG, IgM - (BORR)2 Days£190
Lyme Disease (Borrelia Abs) IgM - (BORM)2 Days£150
Magnesium - (MG)4 Hours£90
Magnesium (Blood) - (RCMG)4 Days£90
Magnesium (Urine) - (URMG)1 day£120
Malarial Antibodies (Pl. falciparum) - (MALA)2 Days£170
Malarial Parasites - (MALP)STAT£170
Male Hormone Profile - (MIPR)4 Hours£250
Manganese (Serum) - (MANG)5 Days£90
Measles Antibodies (IgG) Immunity - (MEAS)1 day£90
Measles Antibodies (IgM) - (MEAM)2 Days£90
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) - (MMR)1 day£190
Meningococcal Abs - (MENI)2-4 Weeks£150
Menopause Profile - (MENO)4 Hours£250
Mercury - (URHG)5 Days£150
Mercury (Blood) - (MERC)5 Days£90
Methotrexate - (METX)2 Days£200
Mineral Screen - (MINE)5 Days£280
Mineral Screen – Whole blood - (RMIN)5 Days£300
Miscarriage/Thrombotic Risk Profile - (PROP)5 Days£1000
MRSA Culture one swab per site - (MRSW)2 Days£150
Mumps Antibodies (IgG) - (MUMP)1 day£90
Mumps Antibodies (IgM) - (MUMM)1 day£90
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM and IgG - (MYCO)2 Days£150
Myeloma Screen - (MYEL)3 Days£190
Needle Stick Injury Profile - (NSI)4 Hours£250
Nickel (Serum) - (NICK)5 Days£90
Oestradiol (E2) - (OEST)4 Hours£90
Oestriol (Estriol) - (E3)4 Days£90
Olive Components - (ZZ14)3 Days£150
Omega 3/Omega 6 - (OMG3)4 Days£190
Osteoporosis Screen - (OPS)4 Days£250
PAP – Thin Prep (Cervical Cytology) - (PAPT )2-3 Days£250
Parvovirus IgG/IgM Abs - (PARP)2 Days£190
Paul Bunnell (Monospot) - (PAUL)8 Hours£190
Peanut Components - (ZZ16)3 Days£250
Phenytoin (Epanutin) - (PHEN)4 Hours£90
Pituitary Function Profile - (PITF)1 day£300
Platelet Count - (PLTS)4 Hours£90
Pneumococcal Antibody Screen - (PNEU)7 Days£190
Pneumococcal Antigen - (PNAG)1 day£190
Potassium - (K)4 Hours£90
Progesterone - (PROG)4 Hours£90
Prolactin - (0)4 Hours£90
Prostate Specific Antigen (Total)* - (PSPA)4 Hours£120
Protein (Urine) - (UPRT)4 Hours£120
Protein/Creatinine Ratio (Urine) - (UCPR)4 Hours£150
Prothrombin Time - (PTIM)4 Hours£90
Reproductive Immunophenotype Panel - (3RF)1 Week£600
Reticulocyte Count - (RETC)4 Hours£90
Rheumatology Profile 1 (Screen) - (RH)2 Days£190
Rheumatology Profile 2 (Connective tissue) - (RH2)3 Days£600
Rheumatology Profile 3 (Rheumatoid/Basic) - (RH3)2 Days£300
Rheumatology Profile 4 (Systemic Lupus) - (RH4)2 Days£400
Rheumatology Profile 6 (Rheumatoid Plus) - (RH6)2 Days£190
Rheumatology Profile 7 (Srogren syndrome) - (RH7)2 Days£190
Rhinitis Provoking Profile - (ALRN)2 Days£350
Rotavirus in Stool - (ROTA)8 Hours£190
Rubella Antibody (IgG) - (RUBE)4 Hours£90
Schistosoma (Urine) - (USCH)8 Hours£150
Schistosome (Bilharzia) Antibodies - (BILH)2 Days£190
Screening Profile 1 – Biochemistry - (PP1)4 Hours£190
Screening Profile 10 – Cardiovascular R1 - (PP10)3 Days£500
Screening Profile 2 – Haematology/Biochem - (PP2)4 Hours£190
Screening Profile 6 – Well Person - (PP6)4 Hours£350
Screening Profile 7 – Well Man - (PP7)4 Hours£450
Screening Profile 8 – Well Woman - (PP8)4 Hours£450
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin - (SHBG)4 Hours£120
Shrimp Components - (ZZ17)3 Days£190
Sickle Cells - (0)4 Days£90
Smooth Muscle Antibodies - (ASMO)2 Days£90
Sodium - (NA)4 Hours£90
Soybean Components - (ZZ18)3 Days£190
Sperm Antibodies (Serum) - (ASAB)5 Days£190
Sperm Antibodies?/MAR Test (Semen) - (ASPA)1 day£250
Sputum for Routine Culture - (SPU1)2-3 Days£120
Sputum for TB Culture (AFB) - (SPU2)up to 8 Weeks£120
STD1 Male Profile - (STD1)2 Days£250
STD3 Female Profile - (STD3)2 Days£250
STD5 Bloods only - (STD5)4 Hours£190
Stool for OCP and Culture - (SPAR)2-3 Days£190
Stool for OVA Cysts & Parasites - (OCP)1 day£190
Swab for Culture (Any Site) - (SWAB)2-3 Days£120
Syphilis IgG/IgM - (SERJ)4 Hours£120
TB Quantiferon®-TB Gold - (TBQ)3 Days£250
Testosterone - (TEST)4 Hours£90
Testosterone (Free) - (FTES)3 Days£90
Thalassaemia Screen - (THSC)4 Days£250
Thyroid Profile 1 - (TF)4 Hours£90
Thyroxine (T4) - (T4)4 Hours£90
Timothy Grass Components - (ZZ19)3 Days£400
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA (Coeliac) - (TAA)2 Days£90
Torch Screen - (TORC)2 Days£300
Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG+IgM) - (TFAM)4 Hours£90
Trace Metal (Blood) Profile - (TRAC)7-10 Days£450
Trichomonas vaginalis by PCR - (TVPC)5 Days£120
Triglycerides - (TRI)4 Hours£90
Urea - (UREA)4 Hours£90
Urea and Electrolytes - (U/E)4 Hours£90
Uric Acid (Serum) - (UA)4 Hours£90
Urine for Microscopy and Culture - (UCEM)1-2 Days£150
Urticaria Test (Histamine Releasing) - (CURT)10-14 Days£250
Valium - (DIZ)7 Days£120
Varicella zoster Antibodies (IgM) - (VZOM)2 Days£150
Venom Components - (ZZ33)3 Days£250
Vitamin B12 (Active) - (B12)1 day£90
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) – Serum - (FOLA)1 day£90
Wall Pellitory Components - (ZZ20)3 Days£150
Walnut Components - (ZZ34)3 Days£190
Wheat Components - (ZZ21)3 Days£190
Zinc (Blood) - (RBCZ)5 Days£90
Zinc (Serum/Plasma) - (ZINC)1 day£90
Zinc (Urine) - (URZN)5 Days£120

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