IPSA Medical offers a wellwoman check, which consists of a general health check-up that targets women’s health.
During your IPSA Medical consultation, your IPSA Medical doctor will assess and review your:
- Family history
- General health
- Past medical history
- Sexual/gynaecological history
- Medical queries
- Current medication
- Risk factors for any future illnesses
During your IPSA Medical examination, your doctor will assess and analyse your:
- Cardiovascular system
- Motor system (including your muscles and joints)
- Respiratory system
- Neurological system
- Urine (an analysis of eight elements)
- Body mass index (BMI)
- Oxygen saturation
- Blood pressure
A full breast and gynaecological examination is also carried out.
Blood tests, which are included in your IPSA Medical wellwoman check, are used to assess your overall health and well-being. These blood tests include:
- Thyroid
- Full blood count (FBC)
- Liver function tests
- Kidney function tests
- Full cholesterol screen (with a breakdown of both HDL and LDL)
- Glucose
Your IPSA Medical doctor will discuss your results in detail with you on a face-to-face basis. If there are any issues that require further investigation, then your IPSA Medical doctor will point you in the right direction, as well as fully supporting you through that process. If you do require any prescriptions then, at the end of the consultation, these can be immediately provided from IPSA Medical’s in-house pharmacy. Repeat prescriptions can then be given (with a recommendation that you have an IPSA Medical review every six months).